„Google Wave embed teszt” változatai közötti eltérés

Innen: TételWiki
1. sor: 1. sor:
This is a preview of my Google wave extension for MediaWiki. If you have a Google wave account you should see a wave below. It some times take a while for the wave to load.
<wave id="googlewave.com!w+iKC6DzJwC" height="500px" width="80%" color="green" bgcolor="yellow" font="sans" fontsize="12pts" waveServer="https://wave.google.com/wave/"/>
<wave id="googlewave.com!w+iKC6DzJwC" height="500px" width="80%" color="green" bgcolor="yellow" font="sans" fontsize="12pts" waveServer="https://wave.google.com/wave/"/>

A lap 2009. október 17., 12:51-kori változata

Wave This is a preview of my Google wave extension for MediaWiki. If you have a Google wave account you should see a wave below. It some times take a while for the wave to load.

<wave id="googlewave.com!w+iKC6DzJwC" height="500px" width="80%" color="green" bgcolor="yellow" font="sans" fontsize="12pts" waveServer="https://wave.google.com/wave/"/>