Mintázatképződés komplex rendszerekben
8 témakör lesz, mindkét oktató 4 témakört fog elmondani, vizsgán mindkét feléből 1-1 tételt kell elmondani, ezen kívül a Börzsönyi Tamás által ajánlott cikkekből Tamás minden órájához egyről tudni kell beszélgetni néhány percet.
Az elolvasandó cikkek órák szerint lebontva
Második óra
- Dendritic growth of ammonium chlorida srystals: Measurements of the concentration field and a proposed nucleation model for growth (Eli Raz et al. - 1989.)
- Laser diffraction by periodic dynamic patterns in anisotropic fluids (T. John et al. - 2003.)
- Local concentration measurements in electrochemical deposition using a schlieren method (R. H. Cork et al. - 1991.)
- Pressure Effect in a Shock-Wave - Plasma Interaction Induced by a Focused Laser Pulse (A. Sasoh et al. - 2006.)
- Slowly sheared dense granular flows: Crystallization and nonunique final states (J.-C. Tsai and J. P. Gollub - 2004.)
A letölthető fájlok sorrendben
Negyedik óra
- Absolute and Convective Instabilities of a Viscous Film Flowing Down a Vertical Fiber (C. Duprat et al. - 2007.)
- Controlling droplet deposition with polymer additives (Vance Bergeron et al. - 2000.)
- Convective vs. Absolute Instability in Couette-Taylor Flow with an Axial Flow (A. Tsameret and V. Steinberg - 1991.)
- Dynamical Regimes of Directional Viscous Fingering: Spatiotemporal Chaos and Wave Propagation (M. Rabaud et al. - 1990.)
- Experiments with Rayleigh-Bénard convection (Guenter Ahlers - 2003.)
A letölthető fájlok sorrendben
Hatodik óra
- A general mechanism of polycrystalline growth (László Gránásy et al. - 2004.)
- Computation of dendrites using a phase field model (A. A. Wheeler et al. - 1993.)
- Dendrites Regularized by Spatially Homogeneous Time-Periodic Forcing (T. Börzsönyi et al. - 1999.)
- Growth of 'dizzy dendrites' in a random field of foreign particles (László Gránásy et al. - 2003.)
- Quantitative phase-field modeling of dendritic growth in two and three dimensions (Alain Karma and Wouter-Jan Rappel - 1998.)
- Symmetry-broken double fingers and seaweed patterns in thin-film directional solidification of a nonfaceted cubic crystal (Silvère Akamatsu et al. - 1995.)
A letölthető fájlok sorrendben
Nyolcadik óra
- A scaling law for aeolian dunes on Mars, Venus, Earth, and for subaqueous ripples (Philippe Claudin, Bruno Andreotti - 2006.)
- Aeolian Sand Ripples: Experimental Study of Fully Developed States (Bruno Andreotti et al. - 2006.)
- Dynamical evolution of sand ripples under water (Alexandre Stegner and José Eduardo Wesfreid - 1999.)
- Granular Species Segregation under Vertical Tapping: Effects of Size, Density, Friction, and Shaking Amplitude (Massimo Pica Ciamarra et al. - 2006.)
- Long-surface-wave instability in dense granular flows (Yoël Forterre and Olivier Pouliquen - 2003.)
- Longitudinal Vortices in Granular Flows (Y. Forterre and O. Pouliquen - 2001.)
- Patterns in Flowing Sand: Understanding the Physics of Granular Flow (Tamás Börzsönyi et al. - 2009.)
- River Meanders (Luna B. Leopold and W. B. Langbein - 1966.)
- Selection of duna shapes and velocities Part 1: Dynamics of sand, wind and barchans (B. Andreotti et al. - 2002)
- Spontaneous stratification in granular mixtures (Hernán A. Makse et al. - 1997.)
- Two types of avalanche behaviour in granular media (Adrian Daerr and Stéphane Douady - 1999.)